Monday, October 27, 2008

Moving again!

Ok, I have started a new chapter in my life and as such it demanded a new blog.

I will try to pop in here from time to time to update on family stuff but if you really want to see what I am doing, head over to

In the last few months we have moved house, I have quit finance broking and started working with the ANZ, I have signed up as a Stampin Up Demonstrator, Alannah was christened and the kids are growing up way too fast!! Oh and I have lost 18kgs!

We are LOVING the new house. There is so much space and we have really settled in to the area. It is such a young suburb and there are young kids in just about every house on our street! One day we might go door to door just to meet them!

I am really enjoying working with the ANZ. It is a bit of deja vu as I am a teller again like I was with CBA 10 years ago, but everyone at my branch is lovely and it is so convenient.

What I am loving MOST is my new 'job' as a Stampin Up Demonstrator. Basically, I go to people's houses and show them how to make cards using stamps and other fun stuff. I am finding it a wonderful outlet from the stresses of life with two young ones!

I am very much enjoying the weight loss too! My clothes are falling off me and I haven't worn clothes this size since I was 17! The lapband has been a wonderful thing :)

Hope everyone is safe, happy and healthy.
Love to all

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Moving On.......

Woah, I blinked and another 3 months went past!!!

It has been super busy around here. We sold our house and bought a new one - not the one that I posted about in my last post either!! Alannah had her birthday and started walking. I had a lapband put in (I'm going to be healthy and thin, just wait!!) and I started working at Garry & Nat's butcher shop!

Did I forget anything??!! The finance broking industry has slowed right down so I started weighing sausages to help pay for the kids nappies, lol!! It has started getting busy again now so hopefully I can give up the extra day of daycare for the kids and go back to only having 2 jobs!

We move in 3 weeks, providing everybody's finance get apprroved. We are looking good so far, our purchaser's purchaser has been approved and we are pretty sure our purchaser has been approved too. SO WE STARTED PACKING! Now that is a fun job!

Ok, back to the packing methinks and my whingy children.

Dinner time!


Monday, March 17, 2008

March already????

Wow, I suck at this!! Can't believe its been almost two months sice I last posted.

Oh and what a busy 2 months it has been!!!

Firstly, I turned 30 in style with a great fancy dress party at the Sorrento Bowling Club. Everybody had to dress up as something/someone starting with 'L' and we had a lobotomy patient, Lady Luck (me), a librarian, a lemon, Lois from Family guy, a couple of lollipop ladies, a leprechaun, a loan shark, a couple of Lara crofts...................... too many to name. It was great!

My first attempt at getting drunk in about 3 years went very well, thanks to the staff at the bar ;) I didn't even have a killer hangover the next day, nor did Mr bucket himself (Andre)!!

Very impressive I thought!

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly..............


Isn't it pretty??!!! It is only 2 years old, but has no carpets or back landscaping so a bit of work to be done. BUT, it has everything we need and now we can put our own personal touches on it :)
First things first though, we have to sell our house or we won't be able to have this one. So wish us luck and if anybody wants to buy our house let us know, LOL!!
Ryan and Alannah are doing well. Alannah is standing on her own (though only when she isn't paying attention) and cruising the furniture like a pro. She is annoying Ryan to no end, destorying his tracks and taking the exact toy that he was JUST about to play with, LOL!! Typically brother/sister stuff. They play really well together though and now that Alannah is sleeping most of the night (Mostly due to no more breastfeeding I think) mum is playing nicer too!
Happy Easter everyone, hopefully I will be back before christmas ;)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Merry Christmas & a Happy Belated New Year!!

Ok, so I am not so good at keeping this blog up to date!! Forgive me??!!

Christmas came and went with few dramas, though I am glad it is over LOL! The kids were thoroughly spoiled and despite being stiflingly hot (and me having a severe bout of mastitis) Christmas Day at Wendy and Jeff's house was really nice.

Ryan is now an accomplished guitar (or 'bitar' as he calls it!) player and jams along to anything that sounds musical.
Plus, he is now in a big bed!!!!! It took all of 2 days to change from the cot to the bed. We think it may have something to do with the fact that his new bed is a huge Thomas the Tank Engine!!

Alannah has had a busy week this week. She has learned to crawl, back up to sit and is cutting her first tooth! You would think she would be exhausted but sadly she still prefers to wake up 4-5 times a night *yawn*

8 days until we leave for Melbourne. We are so busy at the moment that I am having to start organising the packing now! Luckily Melbourne seems to be MUCH cooler than Perth so I can at least pack the cooler clothing. Of course these kids have so many clothes that they wouldn't notice if I packed at all!
I am actually starting to dread the trip as teh travelling part is NOT going to be fun at all. Hopefully both kids will sleep on the plane and I am worrying about nothing.

I will leave you with a couple of photos of my angels......


Sunday, December 9, 2007

Just checking in......

Not a whole lot to report but just thought I would check in anyway.

Have almost finished my christmas shopping (yay!) as I desperately DON'T want to be fighting the christmas crowds closer to the big day.

Both kids are getting thoroughly spoiled as usual. Should be fun this year with Ryan. He loves santa and christmas trees and has figured out the whole 'unwrapping presents' caper. I promise to take lots of photos and post them! Last year I took 1 photo!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We're off to Melbourne!!

Just managed to get ourselves some of the $49 sale airfares from Jetstar! So in Feb, we are all off to Melbourne!! Not sure if it is a good idea or not, 2 kids on a plane along with all of the paraphenalia that goes with 2 kids :o Hmmm...........

Oh well, we have a few months to co-ordinate ourselves! Looking forward to catching up with the EB September girls and Andre's family.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Blogging at last!!

Ok, I am finally getting off my bum and starting a blog. Been meaning to for AGES but all you mums out there know how time can get away from you!!
Ryan is now 2 and Alannah is 6 months. Both kids are happy, loud and growing like weeds!!
Hopefully I will be able to come in regularly and update on the kids and Andre and I.

For now, I leave you with a few pics..........

Bubble boy!!

Happy girl!

The Jansen Clan

My latest scrapping layout. Took me 12 hours!!